By Delores Miller

So it is summer on the farm and time to make hay on the Klingbeil Farm in the Town of Little Wolf, Waupaca County, south of Dupont. But first a little history and genealogy:
Wilhelmine and Gottfried Klingbeil left Posen Province Germany in 1873, traveling aboard the ship S.S. Leipzig landing in Baltimore. Over two hundred passengers crammed in steerage. Two small children, one died on the boat and is buried at sea, another son Herman died shortly after they arrived. Train ride to Bloomfield, following the river to Fremont and then to Little Wolf. Along with their steamer trucks, they brought their Bibles and Lutheran religion. Eight more children arrived in 18 years. Gustav Jule, Bertha Lembke (my Grandmother), William, Albert, Ella Johnson, Minnie Becker, Robert and Marie Becker. Thirty years later, the family gathered for a group picture at the Quimby Studio in Manawa. The land of opportunity provided financial means for this expensive lithograph.
Age and infirmity caught up to these patriarchs who had been married for 62 years. Gottfiried became ill, he had cataracts on his eyes, after a few operations he lost his sight. Lost his hearing, had lip cancer, suffered from eczema. Long white beard that frightened the grandchildren. Wilhemine, who had heart trouble and Gottfried died several days apart in 1929 and the funerals were held together.
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